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Cборник «Севернорусские говоры» вып. Russian Pages Year
Спасские вести №9 от 28.02.2014 г.
Календарь 18 февраля. Попразднство Сретения Господня. Святителя Феодосия, архиепископа Черниговского. Мученицы Агафии Панормской Палермской. Глас 4-й.
Earlier last week we saw the first-ever images of a Black Hole, a scientific breakthrough which most of us will never fully understand the significance of. Years of research conducted by hundreds of people and mountains of data all processed through an algorithm to give us the blurry yellow image we see above. A marvel of science and engineering and math which rivals the significance, if not the glamour, of the first orbital space missions.
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